What The Case Of Claudette Spinelli-Schartz Tells Us About Enjoying Food & Travel In Our Golden Years
If the case of Claudette Spinelli-Schwartz tells us about enjoying the good life in our golden years, it’s that even though you have all the financial resources you need, you need one more thing:
Start Enjoying The Good Life Now
What happened to Claudette Spinelli-Schwartz‘s husband can happen to anyone, but not everyone knows how simply to let go and enjoy food and travel. Here are our secrets.
You No Doubt Have Heard The Standard Advice
To start enjoying your life, focus on being present in the moment.
Actively engage in the activities you love. Cherish and cultivate positive relationships. Explore new places. And practice gratitude.
But take the practice of gratitude one step further. Pick a sunny day to go to the store. Order your favorite when you out to eat.
Place yourself in situations in which you are mindful of the moment, and enjoying it. There is nothing wrong with expecting pleasure from everyday experiences. You will find that you spend less money getting out of the dumps simply by planning when you do mildly enjoyable things, and who you do them with.
Discover Your Passions
Nobody, as far as we know, has ever retired to sample the cheeseburgers of the world. But as an off-the-wall example, if you find you always order cheeseburgers, you could become a local cheeseburger explorer. It’s not quite like exploring Napa Valley or the south of France, but it could be a fun diversion that keep you in the mood for more.
What Else Can Keep You In The Mood Or Enjoyment? People!
More specifically, positive people.
The people you have passing conversations with bring small joys to your life. They ground you. They help bad days from becoming unbearable days.
Just Make Sure To Avoid Unnecessary Negativity
Don’t make a scene (that’s unnecessary negativity), but don’t patronize bars and cafes that don’t offer pleasant service. Brave the Black Friday rush if you must, but don’t choose unpleasant situations unless there is a trade off for you.
Travel doesn’t have to be travel to exotic locations. The most satisfying trips are to destinations that are just different enough to be interesting and stimulating wthout leaving you overwhelmed. Dining and travel for pleasure should monthly and weekly occurrences, just enough to leave you feeling happy with your life.